What to say when you see another mom whose "hands are full"

If you are a mom (or dad) of young children and have been feeling rather overwhelmed by it all, please do take the time to head over to Design Mom for Gabby's amazing post from a few months back and read up her insightful post as well as the reader comments. They are GOLD.

Whenever we can, Sung and I try to offer quiet (yet conspiratorial ;-) "support" in a very minuscule way by making sure other people's toddlers are not: wandering off/dashing off when the parents are not aware; tripping over stuff or falling off things; and most of all, always holding doors for solo parents with strollers but I never seem to know what words to say exactly each and every time.

Or perhaps non-verbal gestures are enough and in most instances, a genuine, sympathetic smile (in solidarity) is all that is needed?

At any rate, if you should spend any time reading blogs today, do check out Gabby's fantastic blog!
