Collin is 10!

My baby Collin turned 10 this week and I had SUCH mixed, nervous feelings about his reaching a brand new milestone. (Who knew someone else's birthday could cause such a great perturbation in one's life!)

If you haven't already, do head over to Wonderoak and read this beautiful, tender essay by Jessica Johnston, an amazing writer and mom of four children.

An excerpt, because this was me all week, anxiously wondering about what our next years will be --   

You are growing, and I am too. 

You were my dream before the world got to share you. You were my dream before your very first breath.

Be patient with me as I unclench these fingers and loosen these hands that have held you. 

Be patient with me as I relax these arms that have carried you since the first day you breathed life. 

Be patient with me as I recognize that the time has come to do less protecting and holding and more listening and cheering.

I dreamed of you and here you are.

And still I dream.

Collin, Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.

You truly are an amazing child of our Lord Father and I am filled with so much gratitude for you every day. Thank you for your love and please know always that you are more than enough.

xoxo always and forever
